Revisibility is an culture and art project from the skuptor Elbruz Denge. The aim of the project is to contribute to making visible the invisible values in both Knidos and Datça, especially the values of 'women'. We hope you will be a part of our searching high and low for values and approaches to these issues.

Art Historian Aslı Karadağlı explains:
Reflections of Knidos in Western Painting and Women: Knidos had the rarest sculptures in all of Ancient Greek art, especially the statue of Aphrodite. The statue mysteriously came to Knidos, stayed here for a long time with its mysteries, then mysteriously disappeared again and is still missing. The only thing we know is that it was definitely in Knidos at some point. The influence left by Aphrodite of Knidos and her statue run very deep. How many of these influences and how many of the values that describe the “woman” are visible?
Gülkadın Taş from Yazıköy tells stories about women of Knidos
Women inspired and empowered by Aphrodite of Knidos: The women of Knidos are free and forthright, whether they are married or single, they make decisions about their own lives. There is a harmony between the man and the woman, like the harmony between any other beings in nature.