Project Activities
The Ubiquity of Aphrodite, Symposia Dadia, Sculpture Exposition, "Words of Stone", Sub Projects, The Sculpture of Aphrodite of Datça

The Sculpture of The Ubiquity of Aphrodite

The sub project Symposia Dadia

The Sculpture Exposition about the cult of Aphrodite
Love is everywhere. But we have forgotten this.
Elbruz Değer created the statue The ubiquity of Aphrodite to remind this. "If love is everywhere, it is also in space. Therefore, on Mars, where we are trying to create human life, we do not have the opportunity to build a life without remembering love. This statue should go to Mars."
Elbruz, who made the sculpture as a thinking woman, states that this age is the age of women.
The statue is 19 cm high and made of marble. During the project launch event, it was sent on 9th February '24 to SpaceX with a request to go to Mars.

Completion of the film
scenario titled
"Words of Stone"
The script is at once a documentary about Datça and Knidos, a women's film, and a film that reflects the constraints and mindset of a sculptor while creating a work of art. Bengü, a sculptor from Datça, receives an order from the municipality. It is to be the Aphrodite of Knidos. But the sculptor decides not to copy the closest copy in the Roman Museum. He searches for a model. Finally, He is inspired by a young woman. But the young woman is about to marry. When he offers her to model, even naked, unexpected events begin to unfold.
Symposia Dadia is a sub-project of the Revisibility Project, which focuses on women's issues. As a result of an application to the EU-funded CultureCIVIC: Culture and Arts Programme, it was awarded a grant and put into practice. The project ended on 15 June.
The Knidia Symposium took place on 9 March 2024, the Aphrodite Symposium on 20 April 2024 and the Aphrodite Knidia Symposium on 18 May 2024. The Symposium book is here available . Information about the printed book can be found here.
The groundwork for the organisation of a public festival in Datça has been completed. It has been shared with interested parties. You can get information here.

Sub projects in evoluating process
Revisibility's themes are fertile. We are developing various sub-projects to disseminate what Knidos is trying to tell us through finds and research, to contribute to its transformation into value, and to make Datça's unique and special social and natural structure visible.
Symposia Dadia was the first of these. We have three more projects whose preliminary work is almost completed.
For example, in the words of Elbruz, Anteros. He is the child of Aphrodite. But how does he distribute love as "anti eros"? Maybe we will understand a little when we see the exhibition sculptures.
The exhibition will consist of sculptures sculpted by the Sculptor based on symbols related to people, objects and events related to Aphrodite.

Unveiling of the Datça Aphrodite Sculpture
What kind of the Aphrodite Statue will appear? Where will she be placed? If the statue "Ubiquity of Aphrodite, made by Elbruz to be taken to Mars, symbolises the "thinking woman" and the "being everywhere of love" at the same time, what kind of sculpture or statue will the Aphrodite of Datça be?